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Events 5 October 2023

Chaintrier writes a new chapter in its history

The firm is implementing a new governance and completely revamping its visual identity to reflect its new ambitions: embodying the firm’s ability to reinvent itself and continue its development while maintaining a strong historical connection with its clients.

Founded by Bernard Chaintrier, who has sadly passed away recently, the firm turns a new page in its history with a revitalized team that is both dynamic and entrepreneurial. The firm is now composed of around twenty lawyers who daily assist companies and managers in the realization and success of their development projects, in advisory and litigation.

This new chapter is marked by both the reorganization of the firm’s governance and the adoption of a new visual identity. With a new logo, a dynamic website, and a new graphic charter, Chaintrier Lawyers positions itself towards the future.

The firm’s leadership is ensured by a duo of partners, consisting, for the litigation part, of Cédric Putigny-Ravet, and Thibaud Forbin, on the transactional side.

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