Legal Notice
Legal Notice
The website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) is published by Chaintrier Avocats, a société d’exercice libéral à forme anonyme à conseil d’administration , having a share capital of 661,117.50 euros, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the number 542 063 664, with its registered office at 78 avenue Raymond Poincaré, 75116 Paris.
- VAT Number: FR69542063664
- Telephone: 01 47 23 00 09
- Email address:
The director of the website publication is Éric Vannier.
The site is hosted by XXXX.
By using the Site, the user accepts the terms of use herein.
General Terms of Use
Article 1 – Purpose
These general terms of use are intended to govern the use of the Chaintrier Avocats website (hereafter “the Site”) by any user. Accessing the Site implies that the user has previously read these terms, accepted them, and agrees to comply with them.
Article 2 – Fair Use
The user is prohibited from any action that could alter or disrupt the Site’s normal functioning in any way. Similarly, the user is prohibited from misusing the personal information present on the Site.
Article 3 – Intellectual Property
The user undertakes to respect the intellectual property rights inherent to the Site and its content, regardless of its nature. Users may download documents made freely available on the Site, identified specifically as downloadable electronic files. Users are prohibited from reproducing or representing the Site, by any means and in any form, without the express prior permission of Chaintrier Avocats. It is strictly forbidden for users to:
- Copy, reproduce, represent, broadcast, distribute, publish, permanently or temporarily, any content and/or the Site through any means and on any known or unknown medium to date;
- Create derivative works from the content and/or the Site;
- Modify, translate, adapt, arrange, any content and/or the Site.
It is recalled that in accordance with Article L.122-4 of the intellectual property code, any representation or reproduction not expressly authorized, whether in whole or in part and by any means, would be unlawful and would constitute an infringement punishable under Articles L.335-2 and subsequent of the intellectual property code.
Article 4 – Publications
All intellectual productions published on the Site are for informational purposes and should not replace the user’s need to seek appropriate and tailored advice. The use of these intellectual productions is therefore made at the user’s sole responsibility and cannot in any way engage the responsibility of Chaintrier Avocats.
Article 5 – Operation
Chaintrier Avocats commits to doing its best to ensure that the Site is accessible 24/7. However, Chaintrier Avocats does not guarantee the permanent availability and accessibility of the Site, nor that the Site is error-free. Indeed, Chaintrier Avocats may be forced to temporarily suspend access to the Site, especially for technical maintenance reasons, without incurring any liability whatsoever.
Article 6 – Links to Other Sites
The user is prohibited from establishing a link between the Site and another website without the express prior consent of Chaintrier Avocats. Under no circumstances can Chaintrier Avocats be held responsible for the consequences of access made through a link pointing to another site if this link was established without its consent.
Article 7 – Amendment to Terms of Use
Chaintrier Avocats reserves the right to modify these terms of use at any time. Users are therefore committed to consulting them regularly.
Article 8 – Credits
Strategy, content writing, and coordination: Blue Wall
UX/UI Design and Development: Vaadigm.Studio